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Giant Swallowtailrb

Papilio cresphontes


thanks luckylogan and machi you are well informed

3 Species ID Suggestions

LuckyLogan 9 years ago
Giant Swallowtail
Papilio cresphontes Papilio cresphontes
bayucca 9 years ago
Thoas Swallowtail or King Swallowtail
Heraclides thoas nealces

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bayucca 9 years ago

Heraclides cresphontes is not found in Colombia. Yours is Heraclides thoas.

Machi 9 years ago

P. cresphontes isn't found as far south as your spotting, which is why I left my suggestion. They were previously thought to be the same species which is probably why Lucky Logan suggested cresphontes

I think your group cresphontes

Machi 9 years ago

Actually, I didn't know P. rumiko has only recently been discovered as being a different species than P. cresphontes., which is probably why range data for that species isn't complete. I am fairly certain after looking at Papilio cresphontes' former range that this is rumiko.

Machi 9 years ago

The range for Papilio cresphontes isn't that far south. Papilio rumiko's range is much closer to Colombia, but it either has not been recorded in Colombia yet or it is a different (though nearly identical) species. Here is a range map comparing the species: It could very well be a different species; I am not an expert, but I think at least it is not P. cresphontes.

Antioquia, Colombia

Spotted on Aug 14, 2015
Submitted on Aug 14, 2015

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