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Violet sea urchin

Sphaerechinus granularis


It stands out mainly for presenting a considerable size, a whitish appearance due to the leafy tapestry of thorns that cover it, and a radial symmetry that acquires an almost perfect sphericity. There are two color patterns, and in both cases the body color is purple. In the case of one of the variants, its spines are also purple, while the other variant has white spines. Regardless of the color of the spines, they are short, all of the same length and ending in blunt tips. The spines are organized in well-aligned rows along its body. It is one of the largest hedgehogs, reaching sizes of up to 15cm in diameter.


Cabo de Palos is a rocky area in the Region of Murcia. This area has coves with rocky bottoms and crystal clear waters. Posidonia abounds. This specimen was very close to the shore, possibly dragged by the levante storm of the past few days.

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eulalia rubio
eulalia rubio 2 years ago

Gracias, Sukanyadatta. Es una especie que vive en el Mediterráneo y en el Atlántico oriental. No es muy abundante. Efectivamente es precioso.

SukanyaDatta 2 years ago

Beautiful creature; such a lovely colour. The ones I have seen are dark. Thanks for sharing.

eulalia rubio
Spotted by
eulalia rubio

Cabo de Palos, Región de Murcia, Spain

Spotted on Jul 15, 2022
Submitted on Jul 15, 2022

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