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Definitely Honeysuckle... either Glaucous Honeysuckle (Lonicera dioica) or Hairy Honeysuckle (Lonicera hirsuta).

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Joseph R. Godreau
Joseph R. Godreau 9 years ago

Interesting... I'll look into that. Thank you.

PucaK 9 years ago

This looks like the terminal perfoliate (leaves that appear to be joined around a stem) leaves of a honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.) vine with some developing berries. There are several species of honeysuckle vines and bushes in Michigan ( The bushes don't seem to have this terminal leaf/bract structure; they seem to flower along the stem. Could this have been a vine in the bush? You may have to re-visit when it's flowering to solve this unless someone locally can help. Good luck!

Joseph R. Godreau
Spotted by
Joseph R. Godreau

Michigan, USA

Spotted on Aug 6, 2015
Submitted on Aug 17, 2015

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