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Emerald moth

Comostolopis germana


Vivd green moth. 20 mm in diameter. Antennae not clearly visible


Visitor to a townhouse


Spotted early the morning by my daughter When googling I found a similar green moth, but it had clear long thin antennae and big dark eyes - was called Geometrid or Looper moth

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Aly M.
Aly M. 7 years ago

That looks so cool! It's.amazing how much camouflage insects can have, and how useful it is to them.

Ietermagog 11 years ago

Thanks Johan. Your reference is very helpful, but agree that view of antennae would have helped towards positive ID

Johan Heyns
Johan Heyns 11 years ago

Looks like an Emerald Moth (Comostolopis germana), but need a clearer photo to be sure. The antenna should be feather like.

Spotted by

Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Spotted on Feb 15, 2013
Submitted on Feb 17, 2013

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