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Branta canadensis
The Canadian Goose are wild waterbirds. They have a black head with white cheeks, and a brownish grey body with white on the front. The Canadian Goose have long necks, a large body (male 3.2kg - 6.5kg, female 2.5kg - 5.5kg) height usually ranging from 76-110cm with a wingspan of 1.3 - 1.7m), webbed feet, and have flat-like bills. The Canadian Gooses usually live around large bodies of water. Sharing an environment with plants (grass, cattails, aquatic weeds, etc), bugs/insects, and other small animals such as; magpies, squirrels, rabbits, etc. The Goose have a symbiotic relationship with the many types of grasses they eat. This relationship benefits the goose while not adding any negative effects to the vegetation. The relationship between the Goose and the grass is commensalism. The Canadian Goose are designed to be waterbirds. They have webbed feet, flat bills, specialized fur and body to help support them in their aquatic environment. Webbed feet for easier movement in water, flat bills for eating both aquatic plant/wildlife, and fur and a body specially designed for living near water; keeps them warm, repels water, and a long neck for eating grasses/vegetation. The Canadian Goose reproduce in a sexual manner. Both requiring a male and a female to birth an egg. The female incubates the egg. While the male protects an immediate area around the female.
The Canadian Geese typically live and create nests in habitats near water with grassy and grainy fields. Generally, the Geese are drawn to parks and man-made lakes. Since they can easily appease their appetite of a diet that consists of many different types of vegetation. The Geese also have an unobstructed view of any incoming predators while feeding their young. And can easily create nests around the lake, due to the provided materials around the lake. Typically, the Geese are usually safe in their environment since they live near humans and they're protected by humans. Plus, man-made bodies of water usually don't have harmful predators like wolves and coyotes. The Gooses predators consists of crows, magpies, dogs, foxes, coyotes, and (depending) humans.
Spotted on Jul 30, 2015
Submitted on Oct 10, 2016
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