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Aplysia timida

Elysia timida


Gastropod mollusk. In a smooth-bodied slug with parapodia (look like lateral wings) well developed and almost as long as the body. It can reach 12 mm in length. Pale green or white with small bright red spots. On the head it has even and coiled rhinophores. The parapodia are tall, with lobed and foliaceous margins. It is herbivorous and consumes mainly algae of the genus Acetabularia, Codium and Padina. They are hermaphrodites and mating is usually reciprocal, with a characteristic mating dance. The two individuals come face to face and rub their rhinophores together. 1 minute later they move respectively on their right flank, which is when they take the opportunity to transfer the sperm through the skin, mutually stabbing each other's penises (hypodermic transfer). The eggs are laid in spring forming white spiral clusters 1 centimeter in diameter. Taxonomy: Phylum: Mollusca, Class: Gastropoda, Subclass: Opisthobranchia, Order: Sacoglossa, Family: Elysiidae


Costa rocosa del mar Mediterráneo. Sobre una roca en aguas someras.


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eulalia rubio
eulalia rubio a year ago

Yes, Leuba, the world of nudibranchs is spectacular.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 2 years ago

Can't get over how small these beautiful creatures are. Thanks Eulalia.

eulalia rubio
Spotted by
eulalia rubio

La Manga, Región de Murcia, Spain

Spotted on Jul 27, 2022
Submitted on Jul 27, 2022

Spotted for Mission

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