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Epimecis hortaria
Moth pretending to be lichen in oak-hickory forest in central Virginia.
Sorry it's so blurry. The macro setting on my point-and-shoot has trouble seeing some things.
J and Carol: Thanks a million. I've had this picture for years and show it to my students when talking about mimicry and camouflage. It's great to have a name to go with it!
Awesome spotting!
Carol, I just saw this, haha! I almost missed it in the feed!
I think Epimecis hortaria, too. (btw, I'm Jacob ;-) )
Thanks Jacob! I just put the same ID in the comments. I am getting rusty at ID.
Try a type of Typical Geometer. Family: Geometridae, Subfamily: Ennominae. Maybe Tulip-tree Geometer (variable color). Just not sure.
It matches the bark perfectly! WOW! U can barely see the outline of the moth. Amazing! I should know what this moth is, but having a dull brain moment. Ask Jacob.