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Sporophila torqueola
Typical overall appearance of a seedeater. The male is easily identified in its range, with a dark head and back, A single while collar, stubby dark bill with curved culmen, buffy belly, short tail and double white wingbars. The female is overall a drab light brown.
Fairly common in open areas, including reedy marshes, throughout lowlands and middle elevations, to 4,900 ft. Sings a slow series of clear, sweet whistles and chirps. I will try to upload a video of the singing later.
This chick fell out of its nest and both mom and dad were utterly worried, chirping and encouraging it to fly but it was so very hot and the chick was in the middle of the road and in danger, so we helped it get back to the nest. It flew within the next 4 days and I was most delighted to see it go.
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