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Giant Mesquite Bug Nymph

Thasus neocalifornicus


Around mesquite trees, especially velvet mesquite.

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1 Comment

SukanyaDatta 4 years ago

Hello Jody5,
Welcome to Project Noah. This is a site dedicated to wildlife; so you can share photos that you have taken of wildlife and engage with the PN community. Please do not take photos from the Internet or from others without permission. Please also try not to post photos of your pets or other domesticated animals.
You have a nice first spotting. Do write something in all the boxes especially where you saw it (Habitat). Please write where YOU saw it not its range.
If you do not know the name of the other species you may be adding to your collection,I am sure someone will be around soon to help you ID the spotting. In case you agree with the suggestion, you can use the Edit this Spotting Option to fill in the boxes and complete the spotting.
Enjoy the site. Keep posting. Have fun. See you around.
Welcome, again.

Spotted by

Arizona, USA

Spotted on Jun 24, 2020
Submitted on Jun 24, 2020

Spotted for Mission

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