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Canada Goose

Branta canadensis


This large goose is predominately brown with the characteristic black head and neck with its white "chinstrap." Flanks are white, tail is black. Sexes similar. Male tends to stand guard and often places himself between the goose/young and threats.


Canada geese require only grass on which to feed and a water body to retire from predators and to harbor nests and young. As a result, wetlands, ponds, and lakes all constitute satisfactory habitat provided grassy feeding areas are available. Many parks and suburban city areas often have thriving populations of these birds. These birds were photographed in Yellowstone National Park.

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metreebug 11 years ago


Gordon Dietzman
Gordon Dietzman 11 years ago

Yeah, I was going through my files and culling inferior photos when I found this one and decided to post it. We still have lots of snow, even though it is getting a bit warmer. Spring can't be too far away....grin.

alicelongmartin 11 years ago

I was looking for snow when I saw your name, but I see it was taken in June!

Gordon Dietzman
Spotted by
Gordon Dietzman

Wyoming, USA

Spotted on Jun 28, 2012
Submitted on Mar 1, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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