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Crótalo diamante occidental

Crotalus atrox


We were walking through a dry creek when we heard a rattle near the bushes then we saw this Crotalus atrox in a position of defense and ready to attack. Its rattle were divided in 14 segments and it measured 1.40 meters long.


1700 msnm Desert scrublands dominated by Agave lechuguilla, Hechtia glomerata, Yucca filifera

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armadeus.4 8 years ago

Awesome! Did your heart start racing when you saw it ready to strike? Great shots! Thank you for sharing :)

JadeMacDeluxe 8 years ago

Creepy cool!

JordanGuzzi 8 years ago

Una culebra hermosa :D

JoshuaGSmith 8 years ago

Wow! It's totally ready to strike!

Así es Francisco, nunca había visto una en esa posición,además el sonido que producía con el cascabel se escuchó a más de 15 metros de distancia.

Francisco Ramírez
Francisco Ramírez 8 years ago

Que manera tan elegante de contra-ataque !!! Muy bello ejemplar Antonio...

San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Spotted on Nov 18, 2015
Submitted on Nov 19, 2015

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