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Spider Mite



I had never seen one of these before so making an ID took several hours since I didn't know where to start. It is only about 1-2 mm long and bright red. Once I figured out it was a spider mite, I tried to narrow it down to species, then I found out that species identification invariably require a good lateral mount of the male aedeagus, ( reproductive organ), and even then only a specialist with extensive experience is likely to feel confident of the identification.


This spider mite was found on a yellow wild tulip type flower next to a dry creek bed on a warm day. Spider mites can be found worldwide and depending on the species they feed on plants, fruits, and vegetables.


Spider mites attack an extraordinary diversity of economically important plants throughout the world.

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Archer 07
Spotted by
Archer 07

Spotted on May 4, 2015
Submitted on Nov 27, 2015

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