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Oreothlypis ruficapilla
spotted at santa clara ranch. They have olive-brown upperparts, a white belly and a yellow throat and breast; they have a white eye ring, no wing bars and a thin pointed bill. Adult males have a grey head with a rusty crown patch (often not visible); females and immature birds have a duller olive-grey head. The Nashville Warbler is closely related to Virginia's Warbler, Lucy's Warbler and Colima Warbler, the four sharing generally similar plumage.
27 Comments (1–25)
so pretty
thank Liam
thanks Noah Citizen
thanks Viv
What a beautiful shot!
Ah ah! Perfect timing for the picture. That's a great shot Susan!
Great photos, Susan!
thanks Jakubko
thanks Karen
thanks Sandra
Wow !! This one is a beauty
Stunning photo Susan!
thanks Phillip
thanks SatyenM
thanks Mayra
So lovely!!
Wonderful first shot!
This photo is just... Gorgeous! Nicely done Susan!
thanks Alice
thanks Lizzy
I don't think he missed a spot!
That's an amazing shot! Very unique! And the nashville warbler is so cute :)
thanks Yuko
thanks Jared