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Chitona squamosus L.


Chitons are mollusc from class Polyplacophora , The name come from Greek word khiton "frock (worn by both sexes), tunic, mail coat" (chitin). Used in English in literal sense of "ancient Greek tunic" from 1850. The molluscs also are known as "coat-of-mail shells" for their mail-like covering. The photo is showing a little creature hiding behind relatively big red sea anemone. On the second photo can be seen its really small size. It is not so common around this area, although I don't remember its change in occurrence.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Jopy 11 years ago
Chitona squamosus L.

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injica 11 years ago

Hvala na informacijama i objašnjenju!

Jopy 11 years ago

u Jadranu ih živi 10 vrsta, ovaj što si ga ti napisala ima dorzalne pločice crvene ili sivozelene, i više je spoljošten od drugih vrsta, ovaj moj najviše odgovara opisu i slici! ako nije ova vrsta onda može biti Chiton olivaceus (babuška)

injica 11 years ago

Hm....ja naišla na podatak da kod nas živi Middendorffia caprearum

Jopy 11 years ago

U welcome! poraste uzbuđenje i kad vidim ovakvo što :)

Jopy 11 years ago

Našla odmah, class Polyplacophora, Chitons or coat-of-mail shells

injica 11 years ago

Viele danke :))) jako sam se sad razveselila :D

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Spotted on Feb 24, 2012
Submitted on Apr 2, 2013

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