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Pygmy Percher

Family Corduliidae, Nannodiplax rubra


Small orange dragonfly to 25mm long. Characteristic 'red-orange eyespots'. There were numerous small dragonflies of the same species cruising the low grasses. I wasn't sure whether they were baby dragonflies or a small species of dragonfly.


Patrolling the grassland at Cattana Wetlands QLD


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ShannaB 11 years ago

No worries at all! There also might be differences between the males and females, which could explain the skinnier abdomen too - I've seen other percher species where the male has a long thin abdomen and the female is more broad.

AndreaLim 11 years ago

Thank you very much for the ID Shanna. You are a champion! Looks pretty good for it. They may not have been the same individual as there were quite a few in the area, and I took photos when they sat still long enough. I'm pretty sure they were the same species though. The abdomen might look skinnier due to perspective of the photo. Terrific, thank you Shanna. Cheers Andrea

ShannaB 11 years ago

Really tricky, Andrea! Are those two shots of the same specimen? I have no idea what I'm doing, but the first one looks like it has a much broader abdomen than the second one. I found a species called the Pygmy Percher (Nannodiplax rubra) - the shot here looks a bit like your pic. I can't seem to find any info on the species though. This site has an extremely unhelpful picture but at least it shows the range:

Andrea Lim
Spotted by
Andrea Lim

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Mar 9, 2013
Submitted on Mar 9, 2013

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