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Reticulated Net-winged Beetle

Calopteron reticulatum


The reticulated net-winged beetle, Calopteron reticulatum (Fabricius) (9-18 mm) are soft-bodied, distinctly orange and black, and are widest near the tips of their wing covers (elytra). The underside of the thorax is black with a distinct reddish-brown patch. Adults are found resting on vegetation, flying, or on flowers feeding on nectar in fields and forests during the summer. The larvae eat fungi and may also prey on small invertebrates. This species is widespread in Virginia and they are found in eastern North America to Mexico. Also known as the banded net-winged beetle.

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James McNair
Spotted by
James McNair

Titusville, Florida, USA

Spotted on Mar 9, 2014
Submitted on Mar 9, 2014

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