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Micrathena triserrata
This little Micrathena Spider of about 8 mm was white on top with two forked horns on the end of the abdomen. The white may give it a bird poop protective coloring. The underside was mostly red on the cephalothorax and striped in brown and yellow on the abdomen. In the last picture you can see the production of silk from the anal pore. Family Araneidae.
Forest, Chorreadero Park, Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico.
Thank you very much for the identification bayucca :)
Micrathena quadriserrata??http://arachnids.myspecies.info/taxonomy/term/890
I favorite Micrathena triserrata, though...
Another unid one:
Micrathena triserrata?? Not really sure and ID of the link is trustable, usually the IDs are correct there, though...