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Giant Mesquite Bug

Thasus gigas


Large Coreid (female) of about 3cm body length; base colour reddish brown with yellow venation on fore wings and red bands on legs; single red band on antennae where a small flat flap forms. These bugs were plentiful on Acacia sp, clustered in groups of 5 or more (picture #2). Apparently males and females can be told apart by the size of femurs on hind legs, which are very thick in males.


Semi-arid region in El Cimatario nature park, just outside Queretaro.


Here's an interesting article about the ingestion of this species for medical purposes:

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Felix Fleck
Felix Fleck 7 years ago

Ha ha does indeed look like it! Thanks armadeus.

armadeus.4 7 years ago

Looks like its carrying a tennis racquet on its back! Great shots Felix! Thank you for sharing :)

Felix Fleck
Spotted by
Felix Fleck

Querétaro, Mexico

Spotted on Oct 23, 2016
Submitted on Oct 31, 2016

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