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Helleborus odorus
Green 5-leaved flower with yellow petals and short, but strong stem. Perennial, often 4-9" in flower, to 12 "in fruit. Leaves basal, pedate with 7-11 segments; central leaflet often undivided; may or may not be wintergreen. Flowers large, green to yellow-green, 2-2.5" in diameter,
Forests, meadows, brinks of forests/woodland edge, scrub, grassy areas to 5000'. Albania, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Bosnia, Slovenia.
I knew this is hellebore, but didn't know there existed so many species of green one. Be careful, because this plant is POISONOUS!!
Beautiful flower, one would say that the green wouldn't be so effective from a distinctive point of view but I always grows among the copper-brown-red leaves on the ground that this green is a perfect combination with it (complementary color)!
Helleborus viridis grows in Western and Central Europe (Austria, N. Italy, S. Germany, Switzerland), it is very similar to H. odorus. H. viridis has shorter stamens.