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Frederici Bushbrown

Mycalesis frederici


Nymphalidae; Satyrinae; Mycalesis frederici Aoki & Uemura, 1982. Philippine Lepidoptera explains: "The SATYRINAE, the satyrines or satyrids, commonly known as the browns, are a subfamily of the Nymphalidae (brush-footed butterflies). They are generally weak fliers and often shun bright sunlight, preferring moist and semishaded habitats. The caterpillars feed chiefly on monocotyledonous plants such as palms, grasses, and bamboos."


I spotted these two Frederici Bushbrowns on grasses and undergrowth at the edge of a rice field. They were within a few feet of each other. One was perched on Touch-me-not (Mimosa pudica) and the other appeared to be sipping on rotting vegetation. There were taller grasses and foliage all around, but these two butterflies seemed to have a preference for being close to ground level. Plant Reference -


I originally identified these two Satyrinae as Mycalesis mineus philippina Moore, 1892. On rechecking , I decided that was wrong and revised this spotting.

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Oct 6, 2016
Submitted on May 16, 2022

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