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Purple dye murex (πορφύρα)

Bolinus brandaris


One of the many purple dye murex, spotted washed ashore at Agia Marina beach, Stylida Greece. The species is endemic in the Greek waters, and can be found in abundant numbers. Κοχύλι πορφύρας, φωτογραφημένο στην παραλία της Αγίας Μαρίνας, στη Στυλίδα.

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DespinaTsafetopoulou 11 years ago

Dear @Injica, I love them, but I only collect them empty and long dead...They're good for crafts too...I have lots, they're pretty common arround here :)

injica 11 years ago

My favorite Mediterranean shell :) I have them all over the house since my grandpa is using their meat for fishing, love their spines and when you cook them they become white and you can see through this thin shell layer all the curves :) it is enchanting!

Δήμος Στυλίδας, Περιφέρεια Στερεάς Ελλάδας, Greece

Spotted on Apr 6, 2013
Submitted on Apr 9, 2013

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