A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Iris oratoria
Also known as Mediterranean Mantis. Female. Props to ForestDragon for identifying it correctly.
There is now a global mission for mantids! Please consider adding your wonderful spotting to this mission: http://www.projectnoah.org/missions/1573...
Puedes ponerla en la mission de flora y fauna de la peninsula iberica
Congrats Pedro, this colorful little guy is the star of our Facebook caption contest!
The first picture reminds me of the movie "Karate Kid". Wax on, wax off!
Pedro, a truly stunning find!
I am fairly sure this is not Mantis religiosa due to the wing coloration, length of wings and the lack of spots on the inside of the front legs.
I think your Mantis looks much more like a female Iris oatoria (Mediterranean Mantis). The females' wings do not fully cover the abdomen.
More info on Iris oratoria:
Here is a nice picture of a female Mantis religiosa in defense display. You can see the differences:
Link to info on Mantis religiosa:
Thanks for sharing this beauty!
Stunning pictures Pedro! And I agree with Despina as it looks like a more like a dancing than a praying mantis. Greetings =)
amazing capture Pedro,realy scarry :-) congrats and thanks for sharing your great spotting page