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Bumblebee Orchid / Bumbarova kokica

Ophrys bombyflora


It is a species of Ophrys (bee orchid). The genus name Ophrys is from the Greek in reference to the hairy lips of the flowers of this genus; the specific epithet bombyliflora is from the Greek βομβίνων (bumblebee) in reference to the appearance of the flowers of this species. It is pollinated by males of solitary bees of the genus Eucera. As with other species of Ophrys, the flowers mimic the females in appearance and scent. Earlier-emerging males attempt to mate with the flowers ("pseudocopulation"), collecting pollinia in the process which they transfer to other flowers of the same species.


Was found in an ancient Roman quarry.

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Spotted on Apr 25, 2013
Submitted on Apr 25, 2013

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