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Small Copper Butterfly / Mali vatreni plavac

Lycaena phlaeas


The upperside forewings are a bright orange with a dark outside edge border and with eight or nine black spots. The hindwings are dark with an orange border. Some females also have a row of blue spots inside the orange border and are known as form caeruleopunctata. The undersides are patterned in a similar way but are paler. The black spots on the forewings are outlined in yellow and the dark coloring is replaced by a pale brownish, gray. The hindwings are the same brown/grey colour with small black dots and a narrow orange border. Depending on the habitat, Common Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) and Sheep's Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) are the two main food-plants, although other Docks (Rumex spp.) are occasionally used.


It is widespread and common across Europe, Asia, and North America, and also found in North Africa south through to Ethiopia.


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Jopy 11 years ago

pa nije tako strašno, Vanessa cardui, ima meni najdraže hrvatsko ime: stričkovac :D uhvatiš ga drugi put bolje, vrlo je čest! ja sam skupila strpljenje pa čekala plavca, i uspila sam ga pola uhvatiti...izludiće me!

injica 11 years ago

Evo, sad odmah stize nesto katastrofalno, ganjam vec 10 dana ovog leprira i danas mi pozira, a meni iskljucen makro -_-

Jopy 11 years ago

bravo! prelijepo!

Spotted by


Spotted on May 14, 2013
Submitted on May 14, 2013

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