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Jumping Spider

Phidippus audax


Found on a leaf of a hydrangea bush


I did not see any web nearby.

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judy 11 years ago

Thanks LuckyLogan! It's bold? Seemed kind of shy!
I'll fix the ID.

LuckyLogan 11 years ago

This looks like a bold jumping spider Phidippus audax

Judy- I wear glove because they are creepy. As I child I was bit several times by spiders and now have a natural aversion to arachnids that don't just run away really fast. (This is Brandy by the way, Nehemiah wouldn't care.)

judy 11 years ago

Thanks again ForestDragon! I was just wondering why Nehemiah wears gloves!
He sure didn't seem scarey (tho I am big and it was very small...)
I'll be watching out for these now.

ForestDragon 11 years ago

You can just put Phidippus sp. for the scientific name. Almost any spider can bite. These don't usually bite. If one became trapped and was defending itself I suppose it might be possible but I have handled these guys numerous times without incident. They hunt small arthropods usually.

judy 11 years ago

Nehemiah, do they bite? or just creepy?

These guys are the in the top 5 reasons I wear glove in the garden.

judy 11 years ago

What would the scientific name be? Phidippus Salticidae??

judy 11 years ago

Thank you ForestDragon! Unfortunately the sun was very bright & the other pix were blurry. I will watch out for him though and try to get some more.

ForestDragon 11 years ago

Hi Judy! The reason you didn't see a web is because this little spider is a Jumping Spider, Family Salticidae. They do not spin webs. Instead they hunt their prey like little tigers. They do produce silk which they use for control and a "safety line" as they move around.

This looks like a spider from Genus Phidippus:

Do you happen to have any other views of this fellow?

Spotted by

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Spotted on May 3, 2013
Submitted on May 2, 2013

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