Drab Treefrog
Smilisca sordida
Approx 5cm total (likely female for size). Colours change dramatically between night and day.
Caribbean lowland wet forest
Colorado, Limón, Costa Rica
Spotted on Apr 4, 2014
Submitted on Apr 4, 2014
27 Comments (1–25)
That little frog is acting like a supermodel! Fantastic spotting!
Thanks for submitting this fantastic spotting to Mission WILD! We've just featured your photo on The WILD Foundation's Facebook page. Check it out here: www.facebook.com/wildfoundation
There's nothing drab about that posture. An excellent spotting of this little poser.
Congratulations ! What a cute poser !
Love this! Like she is posing
love this crazy fellow .... Congratz....
One cool dude, thank you for sharing
The first photo is awesome. Great capture!
Congratulations on the SOTD!! Amazing picture....Yes!! Pura Vida Frog!! : )
Thank you everyone - Manuel takes a lot of his photos as records for the biological station where he works. As a number of the amphibians are very similar in appearance (and there have been a few discussions in the area about hybrids), he takes close-ups of different features including the feet and bellies. In order to reduce contact, he usually places them on a leaf, either in his hand or if sturdy enough, directly on a plant. Having just discovered the continuous photo feature on his camera, he was able to get a few shots as the frog turned from back to belly. This was the only clear one, but very Costa Rica - Pura Vida
How spontaneous! Great job!
Congratulations Manuel on your SOTD
Most dramatic frog pose I've seen! Now I'm not talking about web images, graphics or animation. He's like "hey, watcha looking at?"
He's like "hey, watcha looking at?"
Sweet spotting! Great pose.
Hahaha! Fantastic pose! What a great moment manuel :)
Congratulations Manuel. Groovy frog!
Congratulations Manuel !
♥ ♥ ♥
WOW! You deserve it 'Mr. Kermit'. :)) Congratulations Manuel. Nice work and 'what a pose. ))
Congratulations Manuel; it is an awesome frog and incredible picture =D
What a pose ! Congratulations on the SOTD- well deserved !!
Congrats Manuel!
Ahh SOTD ! Congratulations. I'll have two grapes now thank you.
Congratulations Manuel, your great series has earned you Spotting of the Day!
A treefrog strikes a pose in our Spotting of the Day! Tree frogs, as their name suggests are typically arboreal as adults, and have discs on their finger and toe tips that enable them to climb.
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