A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Panterpe insignis - Male
This is a medium-sized hummingbird which breeds only in the mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama... More data @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panterpe_in... And http://darnis.inbio.ac.cr/FMPro?-DB=ubip...
This is a common to abundant bird of montane forest canopy above 1400 m, and also occurs in scrub at the woodland edges and clearings.
I would like to invite you to post your spottings of hummingbirds in the new mission for Hummingbirds of the New World:
Fun fact! Although they are among the tiniest of all birds, hummingbirds have proportionately the largest brain of the bird kingdom, weighing in at over 4 % of their body weight. https://upload.facebook.com/projectnoah/...
Those are some spectacular colors! Nice photo!
Just beautiful,super spotting Mario,congrats and thanks for sharing such a beauty :-)
great photography!
Super shots.
Beautiful pictures mario.campos.sandoval
What a beauty!
Gorgeous! Has to be one of my very favorite spottings ever.