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Black-headed centipede-eater

Aparallactus capensis


The Black-headed centipede eater can be identified by its distinctive black head and collar, its small thin body and strictly nocturnal lifestyle. It grows to an average length of 30 cm and a maximum length of 40 cm. Found throughout the eastern half of South Africa (as well as throughout Lesotho and Swaziland), it is also present in southern and central Mozambique, Zimbabwe and eastern Botswana. It favours the following habitats: moist savanna, lowland forest and grassland where it is typically found in termite mounds. Exclusively eats centipedes. Eaten by other snakes (including garter snakes and stiletto snakes), spiders, scorpions and centipedes (very rarely). Oviparous (egg-laying), lays between 2 and 4 eggs in summer. Has an average life span of 20 years. Although venomous, it is not thought to be dangerous to man and due to the small size of its teeth it is unable to pierce the skin when biting


So I decided to hunt for snakes and I came across quite a few but best of all was I found another centipede eater! :) under a big rock this time ,about 25cm,very docile, beautiful snake.

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WildAdventress 11 years ago

thanks,yea it was an awesome find, one of the best snakes I've ever come across.It must have been really exciting to have found one of these in the Erongo mountians what a special spotting! Thanks for commenting I hope to be seeing some of your spottings soon.

koixtreme 11 years ago

Well spotted Bo and thank you for sharing!
2 years ago we found one in the Erongo mountains in reliable dokumentations in that earea up to now.
As they are small and hunting in borrows ect. I understand the joy you might have experienced!

Regards from Namibia

Best wishes from Namibia,

Spotted by

Newcastle Local Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Spotted on May 22, 2013
Submitted on May 22, 2013

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