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Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth

Speranza pustularia


25 mm bright white moth with 4 distinct brown markings on each wing. Antenna are white with soft feather like orange barbs.


These moths are found throughout the middle to eastern United States. This one was found in our back yard in Grand Island, Nebraska at 565 masl.


We rescued this moth from our pool in the back yard and helped it to a tree so it could dry off. The antennas appear to be pulled together and hanging down the front of the moth. We assume this was because the moth was wet at the time of the picture. We didn’t get a picture after the moth dried as it was able to fly away.

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1 Comment

Tukup 4 years ago

The head configuration really threw me until I read it had been rescued from a pool. Wet head syndrome :-) Thanks for sharing and thanks for the rescue.

Spotted by

Grand Island, Nebraska, United States

Spotted on Jun 22, 2020
Submitted on Jul 24, 2020

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