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Wall Germander / Obični dubačac

Teucrium chamaedrys


It is a creeping evergreen perennial 15 - 45 cm tall. Its scalloped, opposite leaves are 1.5 - 14 cm long, dark green, and shiny. In late summer, tubular flowers grow in whorls from the leaf axils.


It is native to Europe and the Near East.


It was historically used as a medicinal herb for the treatment of gout and sometimes as a component of Venice treacle. In Bulgaria a tea is made from the leaves of this herb, called "подъбиче", to ease gastric distress.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Jopy 11 years ago
Wall germander, obični dubačac
Teucrium chamaedrys Teucrium chamaedrys

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injica 11 years ago

hvala puno, ništa me ne zbunjuje samo sam zaspala ko klada od muke i jada nad sobom ;P danas sam bolje jer je sunčano!

Jopy 11 years ago

cvjetovi mogu biti od blijdo ružičaste boje do tamno purpurno ružičaste, da te ne zbunjuje..

Spotted by


Spotted on Jun 9, 2013
Submitted on Jun 9, 2013

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