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Lone Star Tick, female

Amblyomma americanum


Small, flat body, eight legs with grasping hooks on the ends. Adult females have a single squarish white dot on the dorsum. Aggressive feeders that require deer to complete their life cycle but will feed on a variety of mammals and birds depending on stage of life. This species is not known to transmit Lyme disease but can be a transmitter of several other tick-born diseases. Common in wooded areas.


Sears Bellows County Park, New York. Wooded campground.


Pulled at least four of these buggers off me during the camping trip. I am a tick and mosquito magnet. :P

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sdswampmonkey 11 years ago

Can cause allergies to red meat...

QWMom 11 years ago

****BLURGH!!!!***** lol

Spotted by

Hampton Bays, New York, USA

Spotted on May 26, 2013
Submitted on Jun 11, 2013

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