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Reticulated centipede-eater

Aparallactus lunulatus lunulatus


A medium/small (30 - 40 cm) sized snake with a brown head, black and pale brown scales, with about 6 darker spots along the top behind the head. This is the second record of this species from Swaziland, the first being a visual record, also in Mlawula Nature Reserve, in the Siphiso Valley. This is also the southern-most known locality for this species.




Observed at the Environmental Education Centre, Mlawula Nature Reserve.

1 Species ID Suggestions

reticulated centipede-eater
Aparallactus lunulatus lunulatus SAReptiles • View topic - Mariepskop survey pics

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KateBraun 10 years ago

Thanks! Bo

WildAdventress 10 years ago

awesome spotting! nice photos!

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 10 years ago

You're welcome Kate.

pamsai 10 years ago

Yes, lovely pictures Kate. Exciting to find it right outside our door!

KateBraun 10 years ago

Thanks, Scott. My size estimate was very rough, I was focussed more on getting the photos!

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 10 years ago

When you say "medium sized" that probably preludes the species I've suggested which would be described as small, but it does occur in the reserve and does look quite similar to found in the suggestion reference.

Spotted by

Sifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Spotted on Apr 19, 2014
Submitted on Apr 27, 2014

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