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Sub fam. Miomantinae


About 4 cm.


Meadowland/forest, Hlane National park

1 Species ID Suggestions

Chinese Praying Mantid
Tenodera sinensis

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Tiz 10 years ago

Thank you Teresia and Mr Goldfish. I have added the Sub. fam. to the spotting.

Mr. Goldfish
Mr. Goldfish 10 years ago

Possibly a sub-adult male Miomantis.

TeresaBurke 10 years ago


Tiz 10 years ago

Thank you for the ID suggestion brycezimmerman. But I have not managed to find any records of the Tenodera sinensis in the area for the spotting.

Thank you for all the inspiring comments Thomas, Bhagya and Christine :)

Bhagya Herath
Bhagya Herath 10 years ago


Christine Y.
Christine Y. 10 years ago

Beautiful shots!

Tiz 10 years ago

Thanks a lot Mac, Dilan and ForestDragon. I am sorry to say that I dont have any dorsum photos, and I assume that will make it very hard to ID. Shame! I have to remember this for next time a mantid comes in my way!
DrNamgya, I did not really think about that until you wrote it, but you are right, it is exactly the same shade :)

ForestDragon 10 years ago

Beautiful find Tiz! Do you have any images of the dorsum (the back)?

DrNamgyalT.Sherpa 10 years ago

Look at the merging green colours! Good spotting, Tiz.

Dilan Chathuranga
Dilan Chathuranga 10 years ago

cute series Tiz!!

MacChristiansen 10 years ago

Nice series Tiz

Spotted by

Sifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Spotted on Apr 5, 2014
Submitted on May 4, 2014

Spotted for Mission

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