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Chestnut-crowned Antpitta

Grallaria ruficapilla


Tororoí compadre.


The picture was taken in the Río Blanco Forest Reserve in Manizales, Colombia, It has 4,932 hectares of cloud forest bordering the municipalities of Marulanda and Neira. It is located between 2,150 m and 3,700 m. The average temperature is 11 ° C (52 ° F) and has a relative humidity of 90%.

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Ava T-B
Ava T-B 10 years ago

Bienvenido al proyecto Noah, NicolásBotero,
Esperamos que éste sitio te agrade tanto como a nosotros. Te invitamos a visitar , donde conocerás el propósito y reglas de nuestro proyecto. Además tenemos un Blog donde nuestros miembros postean artículos sobre diferentes temas y organismos También tenemos chats para identificar y comentar sobre tus “Spots” y los de otros usuarios. Observa que puedes introducir tus “Spots” en misiones regionales y globales sobre diversos temas.
Disfrutalo y bienvenido!

Welcome to Project Noah, NicolásBotero,
I hope you like the site as much we do; there are many features you can explore:
I invite you to go to where you will find the purpose and “rules” of Project Noah.
There is a blog where we post articles from spotters with special insight into different organisms.
There are also the chats for help with identification, and to comment on your own and others’ spottings.
Look at the global and local missions to put your spottings into:
Enjoy yourself here, see you around!

Spotted by

Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia

Spotted on May 4, 2014
Submitted on May 7, 2014

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