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Orange peel fungus

Aleuria aurantia


These striking fungi vary in colour from pale orange through to a very deep orange-red inside the cup, while the outer surface is paler and covered in a very fine whitish down. The cups are initially round but soon develop wavy margins and have a tendency to split. They are shiny on the inside surface and downy on the outside. The cup is typically 1 to 4 cm tall and is attached to the soil by mycelial threads and without a visible stipe. The pale outer surface of the cup is infertile and the spores are produced on the shiny inner surface of the cup.


The orange peel fungus grows on bare clay or disturbed soil throughout North America and Europe. Aleuria aurantia fruits mainly in late summer and autumn.


Orange peel fungus spotted in Spielderbos, Veluwe, Holland. (sources:see reference)

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Putten, Gelderland, Netherlands

Spotted on Oct 14, 2021
Submitted on Oct 17, 2021

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