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Mniotilta varia
One of the earliest-arriving migrant warblers, the Black-and-white Warbler’s thin, squeaky song is one of the first signs that spring birding has sprung. This crisply striped bundle of black and white feathers creeps along tree trunks and branches like a nimble nuthatch, probing the bark for insects with its slightly downcurved bill. Though you typically see these birds only in trees, they build their little cup-shaped nests in the leaf litter of forests across central and eastern North America. (Cornell)
32 Comments (1–25)
Thanks Bill, you've been posting some nice shots yourself, including a SOTD!
Wonderful spotting Tom and congrats to you my friend!
Thank you Tina:-)
Congratulations dear :)
Thanks again Rieko:-)
Congratulations again!
Thanks James, Dilan and remco, your comments are very nice.
Congratulations Tom!
Superb...what great pics of a beautiful bird. Congratulations on spotting of the day...well deserved
they never get old tom ;)
Thanks for all the nice comments and likes. Glad to see I'm still able to catch your attention after so many bird posts:-) And thanks Karen for another SOTD, I'm honored.
Congratulation !
congratulations for this beautiful spotting.
Especially like the second photo - congratulations!
It is a beauty!! Congratulation on the SOTD, well deserved, Tom15.
nice warbler!
Another great picture. Wow!
Congrats Tom
Congratulations, Tom.
Tom! I think that book idea is worth considering. With images like these it would be a great field guide. Congrats!
Congrats Tom, beautiful shots as always!
Congrats Tom, your great capture of this fast-moving little bird is Spotting of the Day! The tiny black-and-white warbler forages under tree bark for its food, and can often be seen creeping upside-down along the undersides of branches and headfirst down tree trunks.
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Thanks Stephanie, I took more today that I'll post soon:-)