Fun fact! The transvestite rove beetle is so named because of an interesting strategy used by some males in order to mate: Adult beetles congregate on dung and carrion to hunt for flies. Males vary greatly in size, are larger than females on average, and have enlarged mandibles that they use in combat. Large males consistently defeat smaller ones, and some males employ female mimicry in order to avoid aggression, remaining at dung where they forage and even manage to mate with females while being courted by rival males.
Fun fact! The transvestite rove beetle is so named because of an interesting strategy used by some males in order to mate: Adult beetles congregate on dung and carrion to hunt for flies. Males vary greatly in size, are larger than females on average, and have enlarged mandibles that they use in combat. Large males consistently defeat smaller ones, and some males employ female mimicry in order to avoid aggression, remaining at dung where they forage and even manage to mate with females while being courted by rival males.
Terrific_horrible :) Looks like a character from evil dead :P
Great shot Andreas of our horrible little friend!
Wonderful critter!
With a common name like this, how can I not come check this out?? ;-) Great photo.
Great spotting Andreas!