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Spring squill

Scilla verna


It belongs to the squill genus Scilla. Its star-like blue flowers are produced during the spring. It is a small plant, usually reaching 5-15 centimetres in height. It is perennial and grows from a bulb which is 10-15 millimetres across and ovoid in shape. Two to seven leaves grow from the base of the plant; they are long and narrow, measuring 3-20 cm by 2-5 mm. The flowers grow in a dense cluster of two to twelve at the top of the upright stem. They are scentless and have six violet-blue tepals, 5-8 mm long. Each flower has a 5-15 mm long, bluish bract at the base.


The plant occurs from Portugal north through Spain, France, Great Britain (particularly the west coast) and Ireland (mainly along the east coast), reaching as far as the Faroe Islands and Norway. It is found in short dry grassy areas, usually near the sea.

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1 Comment

outsidegirl0 11 years ago

very pretty

The MnMs
Spotted by
The MnMs

Scotland, United Kingdom

Spotted on Jun 11, 2013
Submitted on Jul 14, 2013

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