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male painted bunting

Species ID Suggestions

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ForestDragon 7 years ago

Hi Debra! You have wonderful photos in your collection. I would love to see you add the scientific name to all the spottings that you know the identity of the organisms (otherwise they are considered unidentified by the Project Noah database). To make your spotting complete, you can add a description of your experience(Description) and the area where you saw the organism (Habitat).

If you have basic questions please take a few minutes to read through the FAQ page:

Happy Spotting!

Jellis 7 years ago

We had one show up in San Jose CA. But by the time I got there it was gone.

RonaldOrosz 7 years ago

Beautiful bird! I have a picture of a painted bunting from years ago (in Georgia) but not quite this good.

Spotted by

Texas, USA

Spotted on May 5, 2017
Submitted on May 27, 2017

Spotted for Mission

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