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Stereum ostrea
Can y'all help me out with an ID? Six shots. I'm just getting into fungi. Beautiful organisms. This is a bracket fungus of some kind, right? After that, I'm just guessing. Maybe someone can recommend a good ID resource?
Growing on the trunks of felled trees.
Thanks, ChunXingWong. And you're right, it does kind of look like rock layers in the Grand Canyon, doesn't it? Hmmm!
They look Beautiful with those colors and patterns of the erosion of Grand Canyon !
Thanks very much, JaredTCalvert. Good tip about taking a shot looking up into the shelf ... didn't realize until I got home that I had missed it. I think I'm realizing that the color of a shelf fungus can be influenced by algae growing on it? Like the white vs. green in this spotting? http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/284...
A good resource for your location is "Mushrooms of the Southeastern United States" by Alan E. Bessette. It is always good to get a good shot looking up into the cap or shelf if your are not collecting samples or taking spore prints. In some species like Boletus a spore print is the most valuable tool. In others it is morphology.