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Fiji Banded Iguana (Male)

Brachylophus fasciatus


The Fiji banded iguana (Brachylophus fasciatus) is an ENDANGERED arboreal species of lizard endemic to some of the southeastern Fijian islands. The male is bright emerald green with bluish Grey bands from the neck to the tail base. The female is bright emerald green on the upper parts and yellowish green on the underside. These colours and marking provide excellent camouflage in the leaves and twigs from natural predators such as the Pacific Boa, Swamp Harrier, Grey Goshawk and White-collared Kingfisher.


Spotted at Kula Eco Park an ecological preserve in Fiji located on Fiji's largest island, Viti Levu, near Sigatoka. They do not exist in the wild on Viti Levu due to the predatory actions of the (introduced) mongooses

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Spotted on Jul 9, 2013
Submitted on Jul 9, 2013

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