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Hairy bracket

Trametes hirsuta


A polypore mushroom causing a white rot in forest trees on fallen and dead trees. This lone carpophores is some 15cm in diameter, and half-disc in shape. There is a characteristic lump on a place of contact with the support, covered with short rigid hairs. From the central lump, the carpophore grows forming concentric whitish semi-circles - these become covered in algae, and become green. Whitish underneath, (Photo N° 3), with visible pores.


Found on a long dead branch on a forest floor in a Natural Reserve of Bois du Faisan, on banks of a river in a mainly deciduous-tree forest close to Geneva. The reserve itself is close to France-Switzerland border, in a valley of lake Geneva, just in between Jura and Alps mountains ranges.

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Zlatan Celebic
Spotted by
Zlatan Celebic

Genève, Switzerland

Spotted on May 6, 2018
Submitted on May 20, 2018

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