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Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Papilio glaucus


2 Inch long, smooth brown caterpillar. Pair of "eyes" on the head followed by a yellow band. Blue dots ring abdominal sections. Feet are like suction cups (photo #3).


Found in Eastern United States, Vermont to Florida, Eastern Texas to the Great Plains. This caterpillar was found in our yard in Grand Island, Nebraska 565 masl.


The caterpillar is brown which indicates it is in one of the first three molts (instars), as when it molts for the fourth time, it becomes green.

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Watson5 4 years ago

Thank you, Tukup. We're learning a lot of new facts also.

Tukup 4 years ago

Nice spotting Watson5. Interesting notes too. I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing.

Spotted by

Grand Island, Nebraska, USA

Spotted on Oct 5, 2019
Submitted on Nov 26, 2019

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