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Chinavia (nymph)

Chinavia sp.

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Sckel 10 years ago

thanks Mark and dotun55

bayucca 10 years ago

And I cannot argue in Portugues ;-). But the paper is in Portugues :-).

Sckel 10 years ago

Thanks Bay. I'm looking at these nymphs from the moment they left the egg. Now there are only two nymphs in the plant. I'm waiting for the chance to photograph the adult. I hope good news for next week. Sorry I cannot discuss with you in English, I can only make short comments. :( Eu encontrei 2 adultos verdes em outra planta, não na mesma planta em que as ninfas nasceram, mas não sei se pertencem ao gênero Chinavia e, são muito pequenos para serem os adultos desta ninfa.

thanks ga1

qa1 10 years ago


bayucca 10 years ago

I apologize, but I have to be picky...
There are almost 40 species of Chinavia found in Brazil, so Marginata might only be 1 candidate among others. It is reported from Brazil, but it is not a very common one. The antennae colors are different in Sckels and Marginata. In addition nymphs are usually very similar and tricky to separate. Some structures may change during development, some not. So in my eyes it is not Chinavia marginata. As a compromise I think we could take Chinavia cf. marginata or Chinavia sp. as scientific ID. Nevertheless, I would mention the similarity with Chinavia marginata in the description section.
Here is an excellent paper for Chinavia in Brazil:

Sckel: Do you have seen some adults nearby??

dotun55 10 years ago

That's a very fine bug!

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Nice bug kel.

Sckel 10 years ago

Thank you all for your comments. Thanks for the ID Tom15.

Tom15 10 years ago

Looks a lot like one I had in Texas that ranges through South America, Chinavia marginata.

bayucca 10 years ago

Yes, I would also say, Pentatomoidea, Pentatomidae, nymph.

RiekoS 10 years ago

And, this is stink bug, right? Very nice.

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 10 years ago

Looks like glazed pottery, great spotting kel!

Spotted by

Cariacica, ES, Brazil

Spotted on Jun 1, 2014
Submitted on Jun 1, 2014

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