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Small Minnow Mayfly

Callibaetis sp.


Gray and white, female subimago with gray eyes.


Side of hotel wall late evening


"Female imagoes usually with intensely colored leading edge of the forewing, males may have this coloration less pronounced or lacking; subimagoes typically have dull grey, brown, or tan wings with a network of pale veins" - BugGuide

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Thank you all. Yikes! 46? Wow.

Jellis 11 years ago

Nice picture. I found this which is going to be tough
"Forty-six species of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are reported from Alaska"

Ali Hemati Pour
Ali Hemati Pour 11 years ago

Scientific name: Ephemeroptera ?

Fort Wainright, Alaska, USA

Spotted on Jul 13, 2013
Submitted on Aug 3, 2013

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