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Wild Red Columbine

Aquilegia canadensis


"This is an erect, branching perennial, up to 2 ft. tall, well-known for its showy flowers. A nodding, red and yellow flower with upward spurred petals alternating with spreading, colored sepals and numerous yellow stamens hanging below the petals. The compound leaves, divided into round-lobed threes, are attractive in their own right."


Open field just outside town


" It is reported that Native Americans rubbed the crushed seeds on the hands of men as a love charm."

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Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart 11 years ago

Haha Cindy! I ALWAYS have to stop for photos, my Mum generally walks off and leaves me to catch up ha!

Thank you Debbie! There was so much to see and photograph! This was a family vacation so I tried to shoot while hiking but I had to stop for this one :)

Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart 11 years ago

Another stunner Cindy :-)

Alaska, USA

Spotted on Jul 15, 2013
Submitted on Aug 3, 2013

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