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Female House Sparrow

Passer domesticus


This bird is a female House Sparrow. Females are a plain brown overall with gray-brown underparts. Their backs are noticeably striped with buff, black, and brown.


They are a very common bird and mostly appear around houses, city street, backyard, roof, countryside and park. They have live near human for over centuries.


The House Sparrow take frequent dust baths. They throw soil and dust over its body feathers, as if they were bathing with water. In doing so, theyy make a small depression in the ground, and sometimes defend this spot against other sparrows.ouse Sparrows eat mostly grains, seeds, discarded food, corn, oats, wheat, and sorghum, ragweed, crabgrass and buckwheat. They sometime stealing foods from the Robin birds. They agressively protect their nest. Sparrow don't migrate like other birds.

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Linh T
Spotted by
Linh T

Houston, Texas, USA

Spotted on May 29, 2014
Submitted on May 29, 2014

Spotted for Mission

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