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Sympetrum fonscolombii
About 5 cm "Males have a red abdomen, redder than many other Sympetrum species. The wings have red veins and the wing bases of the hind-wings are yellow. The female is similar but the abdomen is yellow, not red, and the wings have yellow veins, not red veins as found in the males. The legs of both sexes are mostly black with some yellow. Immature males are like females but often with more red."
Farm in Salvaterra, field with crops
the reason my hand appears is because the camera was having a hard time focusing on the dragonfly
thank you sarahviszneki and AntónioGinjaGinja, my hands are actually really small and make it look bigger :) i see them everywhere now!
Fantastic capture Madalena,it's a enormous speciem,i never saw one so big,very cool spotting,congrats and thanks for sharing
Great photo!
yes so true, in this case they were about 5 cm :)
Great spotting Madalena, hands are great for a sense of scale too!
wish i could, I will one day surely ;)
come to Portugal! eheh
I guess you are both just lucky, I haven't seen any female yet, just a male months ago http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/239... ;(
and they let me be close to them, except the males! i couldn't take decent pictures of them
yes completely! this was at my grandmothers house and there were loads
They are so ridiculously abundant at this time of the year. Yesterday, I saw many thousands. It's incredible.
wow lucky you :)