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Spotted Fritillary / Crveni šarenac

Melitaea didyma


It is a medium size butterfly with a wingspan reaching 35 - 50 mm. The upperside of the wings is bright orange-brown with dark brown drawings arranged in rows, quite variable in quantity and size. Sometimes the color of the females is duller orange, shaded with gray-green. The undeside of the wings is checkered pale yellow and pale orange. M. didyma has a seasonal and sexual dimorphism. This butterfly flies from March to October depending on the location. This species has two or three generations and overwinters as young caterpillar.


It is found primarily in Southern and Central Europe. It is also present in North Africa, in the Middle East (Turkey, Iran to Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, northern Pakistan), in Siberia and in Central Asia (west China and Mongolia). In North Africa this species lives in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. It is absent in the northern Europe (England, Ireland, Northern France, Germany, Poland and Scandinavia). It prefers flowery and grassy areas, meadows and roadsides.


Other name: Red-band Fritillary

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injica 11 years ago

Thank you :)

Maria dB
Maria dB 11 years ago

Beautiful series!

Spotted by


Spotted on Aug 8, 2013
Submitted on Aug 8, 2013

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