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Persoonia hirsuta subsp. evoluta
Spreading to decumbent shrub, young branchlets moderately to densely hairy. Leaves linear- to narrow-oblong or elliptic or lanceolate or narrow-spathulate to spathulate, 0.5–1.4 cm long, 0.75–4 mm wide, convex, with recurved to revolute margins, moderately to densely hairy when young, glabrescent to moderately so when mature, scabrous. Inflorescences growing on into a leafy shoot; flowers subtended by scale leaves or leaves; pedicels 1–3 mm long, erect to spreading, moderately to densely hairy. Tepals c. 10 mm long, acute, moderately to densely hairy. Ovary densely hairy.
Open forest.
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